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Here an "A" through "Z" look at things you need to know about your child's Kindergarten experience.


Arrival/Dismissal - Students should arrive no later than 8:50. If your child arrives after that time, please check them in at the front office. School dismissal begins at 3:25 (parent pick up) and last bus is usually called no later than 3:40 or 3:45.


Absences - if your child is not feeling well, please use the phone # for the Absentee Hotline on Parkway Manor's Homepage to call him/her out sick. If you would like homework sent home with a sibling, please contact the office.



Birthday Treats - Birthdays are celebrated in our classroom! If bringing in a treat, it MUST BE NON-FOOD ITEMS (pencils, small trinkets, etc.). Please contact me first to coordinate a day/time for dropping off the treats. Please note, we have 21 students in our class.


Backpacks - Your child will need to have a full size backpack at the start of Kindergarten. It should be able to fit a folder, library books, and any other supplies your child may need for school.


Behavior Calendar - Your child will have a behavior calendar that he/she will have filled out with a sticker out at the close of each day. Please check your child's behavior calendar daily and any notes from me regarding behavior that are of importance. Each day should be initialed by a parent.


Bloomz - I will be using the Bloomz app this year as a way to communicate with parents. I strongly encourage you to sign up as I will be using this to send information to the entire class as whole when reminders about events or changes in events need to be addressed. I will also be using it as a way to communicate privately with you about your child. 


Bus Transportation - Your child will be assigned a bus # and stop. Please send your child's bus tag with him/her to school the first week or so. If you have any changes in transportation (ex: you are picking your child up from school), please send in a dated note with your child.  If the school day has already begun, please call the office so that we are sure I get the information (in case I don't get to check my email before dismissal). If your child does not have a note/call, he/she will go home his/her normal way.



Communication - I believe strongly in keeping the lines of communication open between teachers and parents. I have an open-door policy  so please do not hesitate to call, send a message through BLOOMZ or e-mail me if something is on your mind! You may also send a note in your child's Homework Folder if you have questions regarding homework or if there is a change in your child's transportation that needs my attention.


Conferences - Parent/Teacher conferences will be held in November, during the week leading up to Thanksgiving. Please make sure you sign up for your time slot when you visit us for Open House

on Wednesday Sept 7 (the evening of the second day of school). I also offer conferences after the 3rd marking period ends in April.




Discussions - Encourage your child to share his/her day with you. Often times when asked the question, "What did you do today?" you might get a quick, "I don't remember" response in return. Trust me when I say there are many things we will be doing throughout our Kindergarten day that will merit conversation. Try to get your child to share the day's events with you!



Early Dismissal -  On a regularly scheduled early dismissal day, schools will dismiss at 1:45 PM. If there should be an early dismissal for inclement weather, dismissal time may vary. Please be alert for calls from the superintendent if this should occur. 


E-mail - This is generally the best way to contact me during the day, as I do check e-mail before the students arrive as well as during their special (1:45 - 2:30). My e-mail address is (please don't forget the double "r"). I will get back to you as soon as possible.



Field Trips - Kindergarten will take 2 field trips per year (one in fall, one in spring)that are paid for through our amazing PTO. I usually ask for one or two parent volunteers to be a part of our trips. Stay tuned for more information on where we plan to go this year!  


Folders - Your child will be given a yellow Homework Folder at the beginning of the year. This folder will come home with your child each night. Please be sure to check it each day for homework, important papers, announcements, etc. There may be timely papers needing signatures, returns, etc. This folder should also be used to transport notes you may need to send to school with your child. I will check them each morning upon student arrival.

PLEASE be sure to empty your child's folder of those items that can stay at home each evening.



Grading - Your child will receive a Standards Based Report Card four times per year at the en doc each marking period (November, February, April & June). 



Homework - Generally speaking, homework will be sent home daily - especially in math. Please read the directions to your child but let them do the work! Your child will also receive Language Arts homework on a regular basis. 



Independence - We are big on fostering your child's independence this year! Learning how to work, problem solve, and be independent starts right here in Kindergarten! Please work with your child on how to zip/button their jacket, blow their nose, tie their shoes, open their own lunch containers/packages, etc. 



Jackets - If your child is still struggling with being able to put on his/her own jacket and get it zipped up, please practice this skill with them at home. This will make our end of day transition to the buses/parent pick-up line run smoothly!

Also - the temperature in our classroom often goes from warm to very cool. Please send a light sweater or jacket/sweatshirt with your child in case the room temperature is uncomfortable for them.


Jobs - Each day classroom jobs will be assigned to a few students. Each child in the class will have an opportunity to do each job many times throughout the year. Classroom jobs include Flag Holder, Line Leader, Door Holder, Chow Wagon Driver, and Messenger.



Kindness - In Room 129, we place great emphasis on treating each other with kindness. The word "KIND" is one of our Panther Pride words and we make a daily pledge to be Respectful, Responsible, Kind and Safe!



Late Start (2 Hour Delay)- Should Mother Nature cause a delay at the start of school, arrival time    

          will be 10:50 AM and dismissal will be normal time.


Lunch - Your child will eat lunch in the cafeteria. If your child packs lunch, they will need a lunch box. They will still be able to buy milk or a  water bottle if needed. If your child will be buying lunch, they will need to have a caf track account set up so that funds are electronically deducted, and cash is not exchanged in the lunch line. PLEASE talk to your child about making HEALTHY choices at lunch. There is a snack rack containing options like chips, cheetos, rice krispie treats, etc. that are NOT a part of the lunch price, but can be purchased at an extra cost. These often are go-to choices for kids and have been known to be eaten before/instead of the actual lunch. 




Missed School - If your child is absent, you can e-mail me to request homework to be

sent home with a sibling or picked up by you at the office. This is usually done for extended absences. In most cases, I will send home any accumulated class and homework home with your child when they return to school.


Mindfulness - We will be practicing the art of mindfulness in Kindergarten, which helps children to focus and practice being in the present. It is an extremely helpful tool that allows children to be more centered on tasks and achieve success!



Newsletters - Our classroom newsletter will be coming home weekly (as well as being posted on my website) to keep you informed of what's going on here at school, and to remind you of any important dates coming up for your Kindergartener. Please make sure to read it and share information with your child!


Notes - Any notes needing my attention should be transported in your child's Homework Folder. I will check your child'd folder each morning for any notes requiring my attention.



Open-Ended Questions - In Kindergarten, your child will be learning how to answer questions that require higher-level thinking and encourage them to make connections to what they are reading and concepts they are learning. Open-ended questions begin with words like "How" and "Why" versus "Who" and "What". You can practice this at home when reading to your child!



Panther Pride - At Parkway Manor, we show our Panther Pride by being Respectful, Responsible, Kind and Safe each and every day!


Parties - Kindergarten has four organized parties during the school year: Halloween, Winter Celebration, Valentine's Day, and Beach Day. Information will be sent out regarding these events as the dates draw closer. These parties are great opportinities for parents to volunteer.



Questions - There is a lot of information that is being passed along to you - espcially at the beginning of the year. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions regarding ANYTHING at all. I understand that this can be an overwhelming time in your child's academic journey and I am here to help.



Reading - Read to your child every day if possible! Any additional reading you can do with your child each day will help them tremendously this year. Be sure to ask those "how" and "why" questions as you explore books together. 


Red Tickets - If your child is "caught" going above and beyond by being respectful, responsible, kind or safe, they may end up being awarded with a red ticket. This means they get to sign the Panther Pride Wall in our main hallway and could possibly win a special prize from our principal, Mr. Bartman! Earning a red ticket is something to celebrate!!


Respectful and Responsible - Two more important Panther Pride words we live by at Parkway Manor!




Specials - We have a special area class each day: Art, Music, Gym or Media Center. Please see the Specials Schedule page for more information.


Snacks - Kindergarten has a very early lunch so we will also have a designated time for snack in the afternoon. Please make sure to provide your child with a healthy snack for the afternoon EVERY day.


Smocks - Please send in a smock during the first week of school for your child to wear during Art Class and messy activity time in our classroom. Please make sure it is clearly labeled with your child's name.


Safe - The last, but certainly not the least of our Panther Pride words we live by at Parkway Manor! We teach safety in and outside of the classroom daily. It's a school rule we take very seriously!


Supplies - There is a wish list of supplies on this website that Kindergarten uses quite frequently and we tend to run out of quickly. Any donations to our classroom supplies are greatly appreciated!



Toys - We ask that your child does not bring personal toys with them to school, as they can sometimes get lost/broken or cause distractions in the classroom. If your child goes to After-care and is permitted to have toys there, he/she may transport toys to school but they must remain in his/her back pack during school time. Have no fear - during our day we will be having time for purposeful play and I will provide many fun toys/activities for your child to share and enjoy. 




Unique - Each child in my classroom is their own unique individual. I love learning about what makes each of my students so special. In Room 129, I celebrate my students' strengths and my goal is to discover how each individual child learns best.




Volunteers - I love when parents vounteer to help! There are certian times throughout the year when I will request assistance in the classroom - especially during our classroom parties and field trips. Anyone wishing to volunteer in the classroom MUST have special clearances completed. Please contact the office for a full description of clearances and instructions on how to complete them (obtaining clearances to volunteer is free).




Website - Please be sure to check back to this website regularly to catch up on the latest in Room 129.




eXiting and eXtra fun - That's the kind of year we are going to have!




You - YOU are a very integral part of your child's success in Kindergarten! It is extremely important for you to work with him/her at home on the concepts we are learning in school. Writing first and last name correctly, letter names, letter sounds, handwriting, counting, tying shoes, and following directions are just a few things that can be worked on at home that will benefit your child greatly within the classroom!




Zzzzzzz's - A Kindergarten classroom is a busy place and you may find that your child is quite tired at the end of  the day. Setting and keeping a regular bedtime is a wonderful gift you can give to your child. It will help them be more alert and ready to learn each day!

























































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